Small stature - strong spirit

Show notes

In this episode, “Sachi” Sachinthana Prabhashini Yatamalagala Pathiranage details the path that led to where she is today and who provided constant support all along the way. Sachi is from Sri Lanka and is currently working toward her PhD in department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering at Monash University in Melbourne.

The HLFF Spotlight Podcast highlights some of the young researchers participating in the digital 8th HLF 2021. In these informal interviews, the focus is to provide a window into the personalities of these bright young minds. Roberta Fulci, an Italian radio journalist with Radio3 scienza who covered the 7th HLF in 2019, sat down with these young researchers to find out about their work and what they are passionate about. Discover who the people are behind the research in these personal, casual exchanges.

Interview: Roberta Fulci

Production: Roberta Fulci, Elna Schutz

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